Does Comparison Inspire you?????
Some days before i wrote about the benefits of not comparing yourself to others. Comparison makes you feel jealous, arrogant , insecure but never happy and satisfied. One of my friends commented like,” but what if it inspires you to improve yourself? what if it makes you say, ‘If so-and-so can do it, so can I?”
And his comment made me analyse something important, there’s a big difference between inspiration and comparison.
There are many people who inspires me but inspiration is not the same thing as comparison.
I can’t say how it works for others but all i can do is share what happens in my case.
When i am inspired by others , i want to appreciate them, i want to clap for them. On the other hand when i get stuck comparing myself with others(especially people of my age group), i am jealous of them , i want to criticise them and i am actually not happy for their accomplishments. I misinterpret their success as a reflection on me.
I think its easy for me to stock my friends instagram profile or check others code chef rank or paying attention to their marks …etc and jump from learning from their experience and being inspired by their work to comparing myself to them. “I wish i had as many followers as her, i wish i could get 80% just like she got etc. then??? then what? i walk away , feeling discontent, over-criticising my work and not satisfied with where i am. This is so, so ,SO unhealthy.
So comparison never leads to happiness.
Comparison lead us on an endless journey beyond ourselves, into other people’s worlds or what we assume them to be like.
Let’s look at some of the differences i found on internet and i am pretty sure you all can relate these with your life.
Inspiration tells you anything is possible, comparison tells you everything is impossible.
Inspiration fills you up. Comparison empties you.
Inspiration drives you forward. Comparison pulls you backward.
Inspiration tells you theres still to accomplish something amazing. Comparison tells you its too late.
Inspiration is a gift . Comparison is a curse.
So why Comparison?????
We have to get ourselves out of the comparison trap, as it’s about as healthy as a Coca-Cola and a chip sandwich.
I hope you find people who inspire you. The world is full of them, but when you do, don’t let your inspiration mutate into comparison.
Don’t compare your start to someone else’s half way.
Be yourself! appreciate what you have and work hard for the best.
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