Saturday 13 August 2016

Be Like that FLOWER!

Sitting in my room and hearing the sound of rain splashing against my window is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful thing for me.. It heals me! It makes me wander in my thoughts. Those painful thoughts, beautiful thoughts, silly thoughts, productive thoughts, waste thoughts but my own thoughts!  Sometimes it pushes me back into my past and sometimes it simply helps me escape from reality i live in.  But i just keep on gazing and wonder how beautiful everything is and how blessed we all are! 

But What attracts me the most???

It is watching that flower which has been continuously fighting, struggling with the rain or even storm or hurricane. It never knows how much or how little comes and can never control it but it never stress about  whatif’s and the size of the impending storm. Because It sees rain as an opportunity. It cannot change it roots so it simply fights, grow accordingly and blossom into something more beautiful. 
It beautifies nature. 

It loves rain and i feel those who love rain embrace struggles, challenges and perceive obstacles and hindrances as opportunity. 

Do you love rain????

Actually the idea of blossoming is beautiful.
It’s so good to know that though at times we may feel broken, we are these beautiful beings in this one life, destined for growth. 

But growth isn’t always smooth. Sometimes it can be hard and sometimes very hard. 
With growth comes, growing pain, lessons for life, regrets,guilts which makes us evolve into something new. But that something new has to be something better. But “better” doesn’t always mean easier. Right? 
Better can sometimes mean that life sucks a bit before better happens.

But why can’t we be like those flowers ????

Why do we stress so much about things and obstacles coming in our way ? Do we get solution like that?

When storm comes, have belief in yourself, don’t leave your roots and stay steady because you are worth more than your self-doubts. You are strong, you are beautiful , you are magical!  
Do you think you can control the situations or people? NEVER! 
Situations are meant to occur…   people will behave the way they want to. Trying to control or change either of the two is never happening and will only deplete your energy.

So when storm comes, close your eyes ,take deep breath, accept the situation, feel how powerful being you are and let your mind work on Solution. 
OKAY…It is like what! shall i go into stress and ruin myself? NO!
Rather than going into depression and feel weak, spend your energy looking for a way out. 
NEVER RESIST Situations…it makes you stick to your past. ACCEPT the situation and move on. 

Even it is your own mistake, ACCEPT it!  You definitely need power to move on but GUILT and REGRET depletes that power. 
Every scene unfolding before us is accurate. How we respond is our choice. Accept and move towards transformation.This is how we learn, this is how we grow. 

Just like everything appears so fresh and beautiful after the rain, our life becomes more meaningful , we become stronger, we take our life to a new milestone! 

How beautiful and attractive those flowers seem. Just like them, let the world attracts to your beauty (by beauty i definitely mean INNER BEAUTY), your positivity, your magic! 
Obviously you can make the world a more beautiful place to live in.

When it rains it pours!   But when it rains look for rainbows!

Never let the storm blow you away, always believe the sun will shine! because they say..
Hope dies last.

When rainfall hits your life, rise above it and create flowers!

So all the beautiful and amazing people out there!  Can you do that ?????  

Monday 25 July 2016

Do you respect your Mother Tongue: current scenario!

As my plans are mostly random so this case is no different. Two days ago i just planned to buy a new bicycle and happened to visit "The Decathlon" , one of the world's largest sporting goods retailers. Well the store has got everything a sport person would need.

        Standing at the desk, i was looking how the boy was fitting accessories into my cycle. Beside me was standing a tall middle aged foreigner who seemed to be purchasing everything required for mountain biking! Well he looked pretty decent and all the staffs were looking so enthusiastic in having conversation with him and trying their best to communicate with him in English.  And then what happens is the most amazing thing!

That foreigner guy asked ,"Kya aap log mujhse Hindi mein baat karenge?" Everybody over there was shocked! I wasn't.  People over there were like "Can you speak Hindi?" He said, "definitely! i have learnt it from my friend!"

   So then people over there started communicating in Hindi with him and to be honest he was speaking excellent Hindi!  Then after some time the guy who was checking my cycle complimented that foreigner guy , "Sir, Aap to bahut acha hindi bolte hain !"
Now what he replied actually makes sense and just caught my attention.

He replied," Aap galat bol rahe ho! "acha Hindi" nahi "achi Hindi" hota hai. 

   This one reply from him made me think about current scenario!

Wow! Now Foreigners will teach us correct Hindi!
   People in India feel proud to speak in English even if they can't speak it properly. But when it comes to Hindi (Our MotherTongue) , they don't even know how to speak accurate Hindi and they feel ashamed of interacting in Hindi! Why this? Why people can't respect their mother tongue! It is our identity!

  Here, the question is not about speaking English or Hindi! The question is about ignorance towards Mother tongue! 

Think about it!

Sunday 16 August 2015

Does Comparison Inspire you?????

Some days before i wrote about the benefits of not comparing yourself to others. Comparison makes you feel jealous, arrogant , insecure but never happy and satisfied. One of my friends commented like,” but what if it inspires you to improve yourself? what if it makes you say, ‘If so-and-so can do it, so can I?”
And his comment made me analyse something important, there’s a big difference between inspiration and comparison. 

There are many people who inspires me but inspiration is not the same thing as comparison.
I can’t say how it works for others but all i can do is share what happens in my case.
When i am inspired by others , i want to appreciate them, i want to clap for them. On the other hand when i get stuck comparing myself with others(especially people of my age group), i am jealous of them , i want to criticise them and i am actually not happy for their accomplishments. I misinterpret their success as a reflection on me.
I think its easy for me to stock my friends instagram profile or check others code chef rank  or paying attention to their marks …etc and jump from learning from their experience and being inspired by their work to comparing myself to them. “I wish i had as many followers as her, i wish i could get 80% just like she got etc. then??? then what? i walk away , feeling discontent, over-criticising my work and not satisfied with where i am. This is so, so ,SO unhealthy.
So comparison never leads to happiness. 
Comparison lead us on an endless journey beyond ourselves, into other people’s worlds or what we assume them to be like.

Let’s look at some of the differences i found on internet and i am pretty sure you all can relate these with your life.
Inspiration tells you anything is possible, comparison tells you everything is impossible.
Inspiration fills you up. Comparison empties you.
Inspiration drives you forward. Comparison pulls you backward.
Inspiration tells you theres still to accomplish something amazing. Comparison tells you its too late.
Inspiration is a gift . Comparison is a curse.

So why Comparison?????
We have to get ourselves out of the comparison trap, as it’s about as healthy as a Coca-Cola and a chip sandwich.
I hope you find people who inspire you. The world is full of them, but when you do, don’t let your inspiration mutate into comparison.
Don’t compare your start to someone else’s half way.

Be yourself! appreciate what you have and work hard for the best.

Saturday 8 August 2015


So finally 2nd semester results are out and my friends over here are like “chalo pass to ho gaye!”
Some of them were celebrating and rest others were just sitting sad! I always wonder how can these numeric values affect someone’s mind so much!!!  
The problem starts when we start comparing ourselves with every other human being on this planet! Why do we do this ??? 
Let us consider an example: 
Suppose i got 87% and my friend got 67%. Now she will definitely feel bad because she got less marks than me! But she felt bad because she compared herself with me! You should keep in mind that  your gifts and talents and successes and contributions and value are entirely unique to you and your purpose in this world. They can never be properly compared to anyone else. 
Comparison brings negative feeling like jealousy, hatred, inferiority  etc. 
Comparison doesn’t actually help you accomplish your goals but It makes you feel insecure! 
As Steve Furtick explains, the reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel! 
In this game of life,if you waste your time comparing yourselves with others you will never reach a point where you are better than others in every way. 
When you compare yourself with others you may become better than them but not the best!  
Instead of trying to be as good as or better than others, focus your energy on being the very best version of yourself.  
Don’t waste your time living someone else’s life!
The goal of life is not to be better than 50% of the other people on the planet . The goal of life is to be the best you that you can possibly be.
Realise life is not a competition and nobody is perfect on this planet.

As humans, it is in our nature to compare ourselves to others. But nothing good ever comes from it. So let’s stop comparing ourselves to others. We were not born to live their life. There is no sense wasting our life (or energy) being jealous of theirs. Instead, let’s start living our lives. Let’s determine today to be good at it. After all, we only get one shot.

#Be_Yourself !!!
You are born an "ORIGINAL". Don't die a "COPY".